TFMR Support

At SOFT UK we support families no matter the decision they make regarding their pregnancy. All Trisomy pregnancies are different and come with unique circumstances, and that is why we believe in sharing as many different and varied family stories and lived experiences as possible.

Family Stories

Shared experiences are incredibly vital for anyone receiving a diagnosis of trisomy during their pregnancy or beyond. The lived experiences help to remove some of the isolation of the situation, shedding light on how other people feel throughout. They can also help to impart knowledge, sharing considerations and events that someone may not have known to expect.

It is vitally important for families to have as many facts as possible, to help them through their own unique journey and make the decision that is right for them.

Currently we have an incredible library of lived experiences from families across the UK and beyond, but we are lacking in written stories from the TFMR community. Our ask is that if you have a story to share, you reach out so that we can help build that library and address the gap.

Whether you’d like to write your story or record it on a podcast with the team, we are open to how you’d like to present your experience. We can also ensure anonymity if you would prefer.

Support Volunteers

As mentioned before, at SOFT UK we support families no matter where their experience leads, and to do this, we have a team of incredible support volunteers. We would love to expand this team to better support the community, so if you have an experience of TFMR and would be willing to support others in a similar situation, we would be grateful to hear from you.

To share your story, or talk about potentially becoming a support volunteer, reach out to


New Family Story: Sarina


Supporting Research