Farran-Kyle Richards

Hi, I'm Jorden. I thought I'd share mine and my beautiful son's journey. I had an early scan at six weeks where there was something wrong with my placenta and also had a little bleed on my son's sac. The hospital told me it was nothing to worry about but when I went back for my 12 week scan my son had lots of fluid on the back of his neck. The hospital took measurements of the fluid and told me to stay off Google. I then got a call to go in and be seen by the specialist consultant and have another scan, where I was then told they think my son has Edward's syndrome. They took me into a side room and explained what it was and said I would need to have the amniocentesis test. I was absolutely petrified but I agreed to have it. I had that done and the next day they rang me with my results and my heart absolutely sank into pieces when they asked me to go in again. I went in and they had asked me what I wanted to do - my reply was that I was continuing to carry my boy no matter what and if he was to go he was to go on his own naturally.  

I was then being scanned every week and meeting my lovely bereavement midwife. But every week we went we just kept finding new things wrong with him. My poor baby had cysts on the brain and umbilical cord, ventricular septal defect, fluid on the brain and lungs, his bowels were coming through his stomach, cleft lip and palate, kidneys weren't functioning properly, and also his wrists were in a fixed position. The whole pregnancy was scary but no matter what, I chose to remain strong and positive for my baby boy.

Even though the doctors said he wasn't compatible with life, it went from having to give birth stillborn to them saying he would pass away during the birth. Every day I would sing and talk to him and rub him. I told him every day how much I loved him. I even went to church had my stomach blessed and a few of his things.

He was due February 27th, 2020 but decided he was going to make an appearance on 17th February 2020 at 2.17pm, born in his sac. My baby boy came out breathing!!! I was scared to look at first but once I did, I was so proud of us, more than ever. They said he never stood a chance, but he did, and he was here and breathing on his own.

Farran-Kyle Richards weighed 4.08oz and was so tiny and perfect. My beautiful little miracle survived 27 hrs all on his own. He didn't require anything to help him, he even managed his bottle. During those amazing 27 hrs we got him christened and he met his family with his big sisters. He was incredibly vocal and never slept a wink! We stayed up the whole night just snuggling, I spoke to him all night and he made little noises. I was bursting with absolute pride and joy! It was so beautiful, and I was feeling thankful.

But then my baby boy had a little episode, so we rubbed him, and he was fine again. About 45 mins after he started to have a bigger episode and this time, I knew he was going. My perfect tiny baby looked into my eyes, in my arms and went to sleep. The pain was and still is awful but it was so worth it, if I could do it all over again for him I would in a heartbeat.

Farran-Kyle had a beautiful send off and wake. We visit our baby boy every week, there is not a day that goes by where we don't think of our beautiful baby. He was surrounded by love and always will be. He leaves behind his two beautiful big sisters who adored him and miss him dearly. But our boy's beautiful memory lives on in us all and Farran is resting in internal love. I share our journey as I hope it helps to give parents hope, faith, and positivity. Thank you for reading, in memory of my beautiful son, Farran-Kyle Richards x


Kate-Lynne van Tonder

